Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back to KL

~Today,28February2009,i decide to go back to kl~
When I reached my house in KL,I was welcomed by my housemate,Samson.Samson is a very handsome guy.At home I usually call him en tau ba.Hmm,also,I meet a new friend today,jia yih,hehe=)
Actually without other housemates at home,obviously,the house become not that lively.No song to listen & no 'cho dai di' at night.
Why do i want to back to kl?I,myself, also don't have the actual answer.Tomorrow is the new day and i will look for that answer.


  1. wah... samson really entauba and also thin

  2. 你的归来让我见到光明。名副其实的色光。寂寞告别了,谢谢你的归来。哈哈!!!我这朋友,其实人品超棒的。也蛮幽默可爱的,又是优秀生。只可惜,还没女朋友。女生们,请留意哦。。。。。。别走宝。赶快拨热线询问。。。。。。哈哈!!!朋友,对得起你了吧。免费的“商业资讯”。

  3. yea lo...y bek thr le...haha

  4. no chor dai di nvm... still can siam ban lak mar... haha... YH not there... can win sam punya money dee...
